Wondering what YOU can do to help our NPS kids safely return to school in these uncertain times?
Wondering what YOU can do to help our kids safely return to school in these uncertain times? The Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation is asking you to donate to the COVID-19 Reopening Fund. The Foundation will donate all funds raised to Norwich Public Schools, which will purchase picnic tables to help our students and staff SAFELY return to school this fall.
Please click here to donate!
The picnic tables will be placed outdoors for students and staff, allowing them to take a break while maintaining all safety protocols.
The school district hopes to reach its goal to have ten (10) picnic tables at each school building, and are therefore in need of 100 tables.
The cost to reopen our schools comes at a heavy cost, and NPS leadership is finding creative ways to minimize that financial impact. Your help and support in the process is greatly appreciated.
Please share this request with everyone you know. You can indeed make a difference! The Foundation thanks you for consideration as well as our awesome NPS students and staff!
New Treasurer for NPSEF
The Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation is proud to announce that Jacki Spring will be the new Treasurer and was voted in on July 27th, 2020! Jacki will continue to lead in the position following her predecessor, Pam Aubin. The Foundation greatly appreciates the tremendous work and dedication of Mrs. Aubin and she will be truly missed. As the sun graciously sets from one side of the world, a new one rises. Please help us celebrate this newcomer to NPSEF! 🎊🎉✨
Jacki Spring started her career in Norwich Public Schools 9 years ago, teaching both 2nd & 5th grades. She graduated from ECSU with a B.A. in Business Administration, followed by a M.S in Elementary Education from Sacred Heart University. Jacki continued her education with SHU by entering the Educational Leadership program and receiving her Administrative Certification (092), followed by a Remedial Reading and Language Arts Certification (102), as well as completing her Sixth Year Advanced Studies Degree in Literacy. She is currently working as a Reading Specialist at Veterans Memorial Elementary School and pursuing her educational doctorate through SHU. During her free time, Jacki enjoys spending time with her husband, two sons and two dogs. She also loves reading, animals and relaxing with friends.
Foundation Winter 2020 Grant Cycle
The Foundation is awarding $500 each to Kelly STEAM Magnet Middle School and Teachers’ Memorial for Global Studies Magnet Middle School for new library books.
The Foundation is also offering:
Science Grant(s): One (1) or multiple science grants totaling $500 will be awarded. Science grant(s) will be awarded for inquiry-based, hands-on science projects that extend the science curriculum or textbook to methods that incorporate student inquiry and/or hands-on science activities.
Mini-Grants: No more than five (5) Mini-Grants of up to $250 each. Mini-Grants will be awarded to NPS Staff for projects supporting student achievement.
The Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation has awarded over $72,000 to Norwich Public Schools classrooms since 2011.
NPS Education Foundation Achievements
With your generous support, the Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation has awarded over $72,000 in grants to NPS classrooms in support of student achievement and enrichment. Please
click on the link below to see our latest ‘Classnotes’ newsletter.
NPSEF_Classnotes_Fall 2019_20191001
NPS Education Foundation Achievements
With your generous support, the Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation has awarded over $72,000 in grants to NPS classrooms in support of student achievement and enrichment. Please
see our latest ‘Classnotes’ newsletter below for details.
Foundation Receives Generous Donation From GoGo Senior Power!
The Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation received a very generous donation today from GoGo Senior Power, a charitable group comprised of Norwich Public Schools teachers and staff who care deeply about their NPS students. The members of GoGo Senior Power are role models for the Norwich community and we thank them for their generosity and thoughtfulness. The funds will be used to support the NPSEF’s mission of supporting NPS student achievement and enrichment. Thank you again GoGo Senior Power!
NPSEF Awards $6,378 in Grants to NPS Classrooms for Fall 2019
At its Nov. 25th meeting the Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation voted to award $6,378 in grants to Norwich Public Schools classrooms for the Fall 2019 Grant cycle. The Foundation awards grants in support of student achievement twice yearly.
This cycle of grants includes funds for an after-school running club and after-school volleyball club promoting good health and self-esteem. Grants were also awarded for a life skills lab and sensory materials and tools; a sensory break room to assist with sensory-based intervention; a transition program to teach independent living skills; and purchasing a speaker system for educational videos for large groups of students.
Additionally, the Foundation provided funding to purchase new flutes in support of its long-term commitment to the Norwich Public Schools’ flourishing instrumental music program, which now has over 200 students participating.
The all-volunteer Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation has awarded more than $72,000 in grants to Norwich Public Schools classrooms since the Foundation’s inception in 2011. This is made possible due to the generosity of our community partners and individual donors. To help support the Foundation’s mission of supporting each and every Norwich Public Schools student’s achievement and enrichment you can donate to the NPS Education Foundation at: http://www.npseducationfoundation.org/donate/
Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation Works For NPS Students
The Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation is hard at work supporting Norwich Public Schools students in providing a challenging and enriching educational experience that maximizes the learning potential of every student and prepares each student to succeed in the 21st century.
The Foundation works to achieve its Mission by awarding grants focused on furthering student achievement.
Please consider an online donation of any amount to help the Foundation support Norwich Public Schools students: http://www.npseducationfoundation.org/donate/
Staff Follies: Friday November 15 at Kelly STEAM Magnet MS
Please support NPS student achievement and enjoy great entertainment by UConn Jazz Band, NFA’s Tonya Laymon, and NPS Staff! Advance tickets are only $5 per person. Children under 15: Free. Get tickets at http://www.npseducationfoundation.org/staff-follies/ or by calling 860-367-1812 or email: npseducationfoundation@gmail.com or at NPS Central Office: 90 Town St.
NPS instrumental music students will perform pre-show at 6pm!
NPSEF Fall 2019 Grant Offerings for NPS Classrooms
The Norwich Public Schools Education Foundation is pleased to announce its Fall 2019 NPSEF Grant Cycle. Application submission deadline is October 18, 2019.
One (1) or multiple School Community Grants-Up to $1,500 total combined
One (1) or multiple School Community Grants, for up to $1,500 total combined, open to school-based NPS Staff personnel or teams supporting student instruction and enrichment and/or parent engagement. Grant applications may be for less than $1,500. A single application may be submitted by one or more NPS Staff personnel or an NPS Staff team. NPS Staff may join together on (1) application to increase the amount available for award but the maximum award will be $1,500 total under this grant. Please note: Prior NPS Education Foundation grant recipients who have not submitted final, end of year grant reports are not eligible for this grant.
One (1) or multiple Science Grants-Up to $500 total combined
One (1) or multiple science grants totaling $500 will be awarded. Science grant(s) will be awarded for inquiry-based, hands-on science projects that extend the science curriculum or textbook to methods that incorporate student inquiry and/or hands-on science activities. Please note: Prior NPS Education Foundation grant recipients who have not submitted final, end of year grant reports are not eligible for this grant.
No more than three (3) $250 Mini-Grants
No more than three (3) Mini-Grants of up to $250 each. Mini-Grants will be awarded to NPS Staff for projects supporting student achievement. All NPS Staff are eligible to apply. NPS Staff may join together on (1) application to increase the amount available for award. Please note: Prior NPS Education Foundation grant recipients who have not submitted final, end of year grant reports are not eligible for this grant.